At its heart, Continuous Improvement requires persuasive communication skills. This is because of the inherent resistance to change that all change agents encounter. Make no mistake: people don’t want to change. If they did, tobacco manufacturers would have gone the way of the dodo many decades ago. But people like their bad habits, no matter ...
Continuous Improvement is challenging. It seems some days as if there just isn’t enough time, and although there is a never-ending list of improvement opportunities some days you just can’t seem to get anything done. But there is something you can do about it. I call it the “5S Fly-by”. A 5S Fly-by can be ...
In any change leadership situation, it can be challenging to get buy-in from the people involved. This is especially true when changing culture. There are many ways to approach this challenge in Continuous Process Improvement. Involving those affected by the change in the decision-making process is incredibly important, as is communication of expectations. Quite possibly ...
I recently conducted a 5S workshop and encountered what is commonly referred to as “the frozen middle” (mid-level managers who, either intentionally or unintentionally impede change). While working with my team to design our new process flow, a member of our front-line leadership team walked past us and commented that our design “would never work” ...
Shigeo Shingo is well-known in Continuous Process Improvement, and his ideas permeate much of what is accomplished in the CPI arena. One of my favorite ideas that came from him follows in the quote below, and it can be a big help to you if you are seeking direction in how to approach your Lean ...
You always have opportunity to give feedback to team members. Usually it will be good feedback. Occasionally, you will have to give negative feedback. Here is an easy way to soften the blow when delivering negative feedback: Start with a positive -Emphasize something the team member has done well. -Be sincere, not fluffy. Don’t “blow ...
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe… As a project team leader, you already know the skills you want on your project team. Sure, you want a process expert. And “outside eyes” (someone who knows nothing about the process) is a great person to have as well. You also want a representative from each major function involved in ...
Implementation of a new CPI initiative involves interrelated parts moving fluidly through (and beyond) the entire organization. One method of implementation focuses on using an audit checklist to drive the desired results. This is related to the concept of “beginning with the end in mind”, and can be an essential part of driving the right ...
My wife and I are on vacation and after a long flight from our home base of Reno to Richmond, Virginia, we wandered up to the rental car garage at the airport; we were tired and it showed. We were warmly greeted by Tyisha, who was about to become our best friend and the expert ...
Do you remember the Dodo in Disney’s Alice in Wonderland (1951)? You know… The bird who’s standing on a pillar of dry land, exhorting everyone around him to engage in a “caucus race” in order to stay dry? If you’ve seen it, then the image below should refresh your memory. And if you haven’t seen ...