An Impact/Effort Matrix (also known as a PICK Chart) is a great way to prioritize improvement opportunities that are identified by your project team. This tool classifies items by Impact (high or low) and Effort (again, high or low). The chart below shows one way to implement a PICK chart: The labeling in the chart ...
I recently had an “oopsie” moment that made me reassess my thoughts on mistake-proofing. I wanted to score a “quick win” and ran a Pareto Analysis of the top causes of downtime on one of my facility’s processes. The top two areas for concern (the “long poles in the tent” so to speak) were expected. ...
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Except in my neighborhood, where the Reno summer heat has taken its toll on all grass equally. If only there were some written standards that could help run our sprinklers efficiently and effectively, maybe we could keep a nice, uniformly green neighborhood. You’d ...
Shigeo Shingo is well-known in Continuous Process Improvement, and his ideas permeate much of what is accomplished in the CPI arena. One of my favorite ideas that came from him follows in the quote below, and it can be a big help to you if you are seeking direction in how to approach your Lean ...
Are you “spinning your wheels” but getting nothing done? Jumping from task to task without making progress? Wondering why you can’t move forward on your projects? Drowning in data? Just can’t figure out what to do next? You, like me, may suffer from Analysis Paralysis. For me, it is something I always have to be ...
You always have opportunity to give feedback to team members. Usually it will be good feedback. Occasionally, you will have to give negative feedback. Here is an easy way to soften the blow when delivering negative feedback: Start with a positive -Emphasize something the team member has done well. -Be sincere, not fluffy. Don’t “blow ...
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe… As a project team leader, you already know the skills you want on your project team. Sure, you want a process expert. And “outside eyes” (someone who knows nothing about the process) is a great person to have as well. You also want a representative from each major function involved in ...
Replace the wasted time in your daily tasks with Value Added Learning by following these 3 simple tips. We never have enough time for the important things in life. But most of us aren’t effectively using the time we have available. Follow these three tricks to capture wasted time and get your productivity back on ...
Implementation of a new CPI initiative involves interrelated parts moving fluidly through (and beyond) the entire organization. One method of implementation focuses on using an audit checklist to drive the desired results. This is related to the concept of “beginning with the end in mind”, and can be an essential part of driving the right ...
Have you ever gotten really crappy service from a broken process? My wife and I recently completed a trip from Richmond, Virginia to Reno, Nevada (through Dallas/Fort Worth) on an airline I won’t mention (although I’ll say that it is the most patriotic of airlines if you happen to be American). Their passenger check-in process ...